Artist Projekt 26 Artist Projekt 26

Introducing Jerzy Treutler Limited Edition Screen-prints | Projekt 26 x The Private Press

We are absolutely delighted to be able to share with you the news of this very special project we’ve been working on with Gary at The Private Press. In collaboration with Ewa at Twarda Sztuka Foundation who looks after Jerzy Treutler’s archives, we have created this limited edition screen-print (numbered 35 copies) of one of Jerzy Treutler’s most iconic poster designs.

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Artist Projekt 26 Artist Projekt 26

Meet Maciej Hibner | The living legend with art in his blood and the biggest heart

It’s going to be impossible to put into words what an absolute legend Maciej Hubner (Hibner) is in every possible sense of the word. He’s a true artist who never stops creating (well ‘I stop when I sleep!’). He’s created some of the most iconic graphic designs of the 20th century and lived through the devastation of war the hardship of Communism. Now, despite being in his nineties, he remains utterly modern in his thinking and grounded in the present; he is acutely aware and upset by the current direction of political travel in his country. Yet he exudes warmth and a rare beautiful light radiates from his eyes. He’s a little recap from the day we met him and an introduction to some of the very beautiful posters he has entrusted to our care, so that we can sell them on his behalf. It’s a tiny bit of what we can tell you, but it’s a start! We are determined to do all we can to promote Maciej Hubner and his incredible catalogue of work so that he might receive a little of the recognition he so richly deserves.

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Artist Projekt 26 Artist Projekt 26

Hubert Hilscher: A modest super talent who brought architectural balance to graphic art

Despite being ever humble about his work, Hubert Hilscher was a highly influential and internationally acclaimed poster artist from the Polish School of Posters and one of the key founders of the Poster Biennale. He was also the creative driving force behind Projekt magazine, where he was art director for 22 years, and an award winning book designer. Born in Warsaw on 25.10.1924, he passed away 75 years later on 19.09.1999; for an artist who bought such balance and pattern to his work, there seems to us to be an almost poetic symmetry to that date…

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